January 12, 2014

The Corrosive Effect of Cronyism

The San Miguel art scene is becoming more and more insular, even incestuous. The danger is clear: the corrosiveness of cronyism has invaded our community and threatens to undermine its artistic integrity. When pals, partners, spouses and lovers write articles about artists’ opening exhibits, honesty is shoved aside, objectivity is sacrificed, and hyperbole gains the upper hand. Our weekly newspaper, Atencion, aids and abets this deplorable situation by having an editorial policy (if you can call it that) which allows cronyism to flourish. They will publish just about any piece of journalistic jingoism in order to fill their pages with free content, all in the name of “public service.” Worst of all, artists are allowed to pen their own articles extolling the wonders and marvels of their latest creations. Sounds a bit like an old-fashioned medicine show, doesn’t it? “Come one, come all, and see my magnificent works of art!” 

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