September 17, 2013

An Epiphany in a Courtyard

Sitting in the courtyard inside the Hotel Sautto on Calle Hernandez-Macias I experienced a revelation, the shock of a door opening where I didn’t expect one. I was resting peacefully in this beautiful outdoor space, enjoying the warm sunshine of one of those perfect days in San Miguel, meditating on my good fortune. Suddenly, the objects around me -- trees, plants, arches, archways, tables, chairs, windows, doors – seemed to be bathed in an ethereal light and became transfigured as if by a celestial illumination. They lost their everyday ordinariness and took on a new meaning, a metaphysical meaning, and were transformed into a mystery that I am still contemplating, but without any hope of understanding.

It was like the sensation of a dream, a waking dream, when portals open into the subconscious.

In his poem, Drunken Song, Nietzsche has Zarathustra say, “The world is deep, And deeper than the day could read.”

Dionysus would have agreed, and it is that experience of going out of one’s rational mind that I am trying to describe, when you see the world with the freshness and wonder of a child.

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